Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Hello again

I am doing this as I watch Friends on Netflix so my brain might do something funny. Sorry in advance! I decided to really Really start a Blog this time. Like REALLY!!! This is the thing about me, I get bored easily! and discouraged and self conscious! I started my first attempt at a blog when I first got married as a form of family journal..well we all know how that ended. My second attempt was 2 years ago, me trying to be a fashion blogger and shit. That's all I have to say about that.

I wanted to be authentic. I'm 26 years old, married for 6 and a half years and have 3 kids. I thought I was mature and knew all about life! After all these years I guess I'm still learning! a lot! But hey! i still like to pretend like I know everything! who doesn't! anyways I don't really have anything I want say just that I want to try it again! 3rd times the charm right?
i would love it if you follow me on my imperfect journey.

Welcome to KISS! its short for Kim Stafford Style. Its cute right? My husband came up with it!


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